You can change the look of a Photo Frame by right-clicking on the frame and selecting the Shape menu. Then simply select the desired shape.
Right-Click Shape Menu
You can also set the border thickness, style and color from the Shapes menu on the toolbar. Set Border Thickness to None to have your photo appear on the page cropped by the frame but with no visible border.
You can resize a photo frame by dragging the black handles that appear around it when it is selected. By default, the Frame will stretch or shrink proportionally. If you want to distort the proportions, hold the Shift key while you drag on the handles. You can specify in the Photo Frame Properties dialog whether your photo will be resized when you resize the Frame.
Your photo can resize automatically with the frame
You can rotate a Photo Frame by dragging on the circular Rotation Handle near its edge. You can also rotate the frame by 90-degree increments, or by a specific number of degrees, by choosing Rotate from the Arrange menu.
Rotating a frame does not rotate the image
When you rotate a Photo Frame, the image inside it does not rotate. To rotate an image, use the Rotate command in FotoFinish before placing it into the Photo Frame. To easily rotate or edit your image in FotoFinish while working in Designer, simply double-click the photo. After editing, just close the image window in FotoFinish to return to Designer and your newly-changed image will be updated.